Pasture renewal.

It’s no secret that perennial ryegrass pastures degrade over time due to summer drought, pugging, overgrazing and insect pest predation. Therefore, in order to optimise on farm productivity, renewing up to 10% of pastures annually should be considered. Renewal methods include transitioning from grass-to-grass, grass-to-crop-to-grass, or under-sowing older pastures.

Recognising the poorest-performing paddocks, selecting quality cultivars and managing new pastures effectively, ensures you will have consistent and quality pasture throughout the entire farm.

Recognising a poor performing pasture.

It’s crucial to first work out what is causing poor pasture performance (e.g. soil fertility and insect pests) and resolve those issues as part of the renewal programme. Correct soil fertility issues and pH through soil sampling and the application of the appropriate fertiliser and/or lime.

The Pasture Condition Scoring tool can be found in our Forage Selection Tool – Download on Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Pasture renewal - full cultivation, direct drilling or under-sowing?

While full cultivation pasture renewal is costlier and more time-intensive, it offers superior seed bed preparation, enhancing seed-to-soil contact and reducing soil compaction.

Full cultivation also helps to eradicate weeds and insect pests and to reduce soil compaction.

Alternatively, direct drilling is an option. However, before sowing, it’s advisable to spray with glyphosate to eliminate older vegetation and problematic weeds. For stubborn weeds, consider a double application of glyphosate, but it is best to consult your chemical representative for guidance on the most suitable herbicide for your circumstances.

Where old or poor performing pastures require rejuvenation and do not contain problematic weeds, under-sowing of a new high-performing ryegrass can extend their life and productivity

Cultivar selection.

Sowing modern high performing grass and clover cultivars has several advantages including higher productivity, higher forage quality and improved novel endophytes, including the CM142 endophyte developed by Cropmark Seeds which enhances animal safety and insect pest tolerance.

Learn more about the benefits of investing in modern cultivars here.

Sowing certified seed.

Checking the seed analysis certificate for germination, purity and endophyte levels, along with recommended sowing rates is recommended when buying seed. As endophyte in treated seeds doesn’t shield seedlings from insects and disease during the first 6-8 weeks after germination, it is important to use treated seeds where insect pests are prevalent.

Understanding your sowing requirements.

Providing clear instructions to your contractor beforehand is key for effective pasture drilling. Ensure the seed bed is finely prepared and firm, and sow ryegrass seed when soil temperatures reach 10°C and are rising, with adequate soil moisture.

Post sowing management.

Rolling cultivated ground post-sowing using a Cambridge roller can help to improve seed-to-soil contact, promoting better germination. As weeds emerging in new pastures will compete with ryegrass and white clover it is more cost effective to prevent troublesome weeds before they establish through the use of appropriate herbicides.

Managing the first graze.

A pasture isn’t established until dense and well-tillered, surviving the first summer. After 6-8 weeks of sowing a light graze helps to stimulate growth, aiding clover seedlings and ryegrass tillering, boosting density and weed competition.

To determine the readiness of pasture you can carry out the ‘pluck test’. To do this, grasp the plant between thumb and forefinger and pull. If the plant breaks off rather than pulling out of the ground, it is ready for grazing.

Learn more about managing new pastures here.

Ensuring consistent and high-quality pasture across the entire farm involves identifying the least productive paddocks, choosing top-tier cultivars and effectively managing new pastures.

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