
Medium Dry Matter Fodder Beet

A flexible crop for in-situ grazing or as a lifted feed.

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Lactimo, a mono-germ fodder beet with proven performance on New Zealand farms. Lactimo features a distinctive yellow-orange tankard-shaped bulb, positioned 45% above the ground. With medium dry matter content at 15-17%, Lactimo excels with high yields, robust bolting tolerance, good seedling vigour and strong disease resistance. Ideal for sheep, cattle, and deer, Lactimo offers flexibility for in situ grazing or as a lifted, whole, or chopped feed. Available in convenient 50,000 seed units.

Where it fits

A high quality winter feed, with medium dry matter content, capable of producing high volumes for grazing in situ, lifted or as stored feed.

Agronomic Information
  • Bulb above ground: +/-45%
  • Dry matter: 15-17%
  • Bolting tolerance: Very good*
  • Disease tolerance: Very good

*Subject to management and climatic conditions

Animal safety

Recommended for:

  • Dairy
  • Beef
  • Sheep
  • Deer

Lactimo technical documents

Sowing Information
  • Sowing rate: 80,000-100,000 seeds/Ha
  • Sowing depth: 2cm
  • Row spacing: 40-50cm
  • Plant spacing: 25cm
  • Sowing season: Spring
  • Maturity: 200+ days from sowing to grazing

Our sowing guides are a great way to compare a broad range of brassicas and winter forages.

Sowing guides
Get in touch

Enquire here about Lactimo or call 0800 427 676.

For all other enquires contact us.