Annual Ryegrass

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Get started

Sown in late summer or autumn, annual ryegrass is a short-term, fast establishing, cool season crop for cutting and grazing. Persisting for only 6-10 months and producing high volumes of quality feed, annual ryegrass can be mixed with short term brassicas or cereals to maximise winter dry matter.

Types of Annual Ryegrass


The pinnacle of ryegrass performance, Tetraploids provide increased digestibility, higher nutritive value and promote greater pasture utilization. Best suited to well managed rotational dairy and finishing systems with good fertility and soil moisture to maximize livestock performance.

Our Annual Ryegrass Cultivars



Tetraploid Annual Ryegreass

New Zealand’s highest yielding annual ryegrass.

Heading date: Late

Endophyte: Nil

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Tetraploid Annual Ryegreass

A specialist winter feed with exceptional cool-season performance.

Heading date: Late

Endophyte: Nil

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Tetraploid Annual Ryegreass

Superior establishment with exceptional cool-season performance.

Heading date: Late

Endophyte: Nil

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Tetraploid Annual Ryegreass

High-yielding, high quality late heading annual ryegrass.

Heading date: Very late

Endophyte: Nil

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A specialist summer-active C4 annual grass suited to hay or silage production for farmers in northern NZ.

Endophyte: Nil

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Annual Ryegrass

Grazing management and nutrition

Quick to establish, annual ryegrass is an ideal winter feed crop and can typically be grazed within 4-6 weeks of sowing.

Get in touch

Enquire here about Annual Ryegrass or call 0800 427 676.

For all other enquires contact us.